Category: General

  • Put his feet back on the path

    Put his feet back on the path

    Today we ask you to join us in prayer for a North African believer.  He has been a believer for some years and has been growing in his faith in leaps and bounds.  He has led a dozen others to faith in Christ Jesus and has been meeting with them, reading the Word together and…

  • Can you sing over North Africa?

    Can you sing over North Africa?

    Have you ever thought about what impact your worship can have over the nations of North Africa? Rather than “just singing” some songs, try worshiping with North Africa in mind. Purposefully lifting up the nations of North Africa while you sing. This is what Dick Eastman has to say about this: “In a uniquely profound…

  • The Good Shepherd – Part 2

    The Good Shepherd – Part 2

    “Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to…

  • Jesus the Good Shepherd

    Jesus the Good Shepherd

    “Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to…

  • Reaching North Africa Through Children’s Programming

    Reaching North Africa Through Children’s Programming

    Julie Oosterhouse Writes: All across the Middle East and North Africa, adults are handing over the TV remote control to their children. Many forgo their beloved sitcoms and newscasts to watch children’s sing-a-longs, puppet shows, and bedtime stories, making sure their kids are in safe hands. This is because millions of children are captivated by…

  • We do not fight against flesh and blood

    Do not fight flesh and blood. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. —Ephesians 6:12 Our battle, our fight, is not against flesh and blood. There is a tremendous…

  • Watching Over Your Inheritance

    Watching Over Your Inheritance

    Ask of me and I will make the nations your inheritance and the ends of the earth your possession. —Psalm 2:8 As intercessors for North Africa, we have the invitation in Ps 2:8 to ask for the nations of this region and the ends of the earth as our possession. Owning property, however, brings a…

  • Can you fast for North Africa?

    Can you fast for North Africa?

    What is Fasting? And can you fast for North Africa? When there is no human remedy, God has a remedy. God said, “If my people will humble themselves and pray”. He didn’t say, “If the governments will pray”. The answer lies in the prayer rooms of the nation. It’s a fact of Scripture and a…

  • Prayer is seed in the harvest

    Prayer is seed in the harvest

    Did you realise that every prayer you pray is actually a seed in the harvest fields of God? Suzette Hattingh, evangelist, intercessor and teacher, explains that as you sow you will reap also in prayer. She asks us, “What does your spiritual bank account look like? How much of your prayer life are you banking?…

  • History Makers leadership training

    A North African pastor writes: God continues to give us the opportunity to train young potential leaders in and from North Africa. From 29 January to 2 February we are hosting leadership training called History Makers. Young North African believers will gather from various North African nations to take part in this training. They request…