Reaching North Africa Through Children’s Programming

Julie Oosterhouse Writes:

All across the Middle East and North Africa, adults are handing over the TV remote control to their children. Many forgo their beloved sitcoms and newscasts to watch children’s sing-a-longs, puppet shows, and bedtime stories, making sure their kids are in safe hands.

This is because millions of children are captivated by the presentation of the Bible on SAT-7 KIDS, a Christian satellite television ministry to the Middle East and North Africa.

I was so happy to read this article, we all know that the majority of people who come to Christ generally do so before the age of 18. It’s also a fact that some ~80% of North Africans who come to know Christ, do so through media, years ago it was the radio and correspondence, now it’s television and internet.

So it would make sense to be in the business of making children’s television programs to maximize outreach effort effectiveness, right? No so fast! It’s been tough to get through to the children because good parents filter what their kids watch, this is true the world over. Good muslim parents would be less than keen to have their children immersed in Christian propaganda all day.

I don’t know what they’ve done at SAT-7 to achieve the confidence of their target audience, but I am so encouraged by this.

Pray for:

  • The finances to continue in an expensive outreach
  • Continued creativity and support in the creation of children’s programming
  • For the hearts of the viewers as they encounter a version of Jesus they’ve never seen before, the true Jesus. Pray that they would respond in spite of repercussions they might face.