Ramadan in Tunisia

Photo : Date seller in Tunisia. Dates are an important part of every ftour meal to break the fast each evening.

After many years of living in central Tunisia, along with many conversations, I have a strong sense of the many unspoken purposes of Ramadan in the minds of locals. A generally secular nation yet with a strong national Muslim identity, Ramadan is a time of the year when religious heritage and values are celebrated above those which seem to govern life otherwise.

There seems to be a spiritual conflict inside each individual, as they admittedly recognize the importance of God and His law for life, yet confess their choice not to follow such an onerous path requiring much personal sacrifice. The month of Ramadan appears to be used by many as an annual “Hajj” where lack of effort in religious life can be rectified through a self-sacrifice of fasting in this holy month. In this way, many view Ramadan as a month to give God his due in their physical act of self-deprivation in order to cover sins from the last year. “If I can at least give God what He always deserves during this special time, maybe He can overlook my all of my sins of the previous year.”

Fasting during the month of Ramadan can easily be viewed as being at the top of the list of spiritual practices of Muslims of Tunisia, as it brings religious solidarity not only to the family, but also the entire nation. Fasting is seen as a more commonly observed religious practice than avoiding pork and alcohol, as well as regimented prayer and zakat (alms giving).

Will you join me in praying for Muslims in Tunisia and across North Africa? God looks to their hearts and we ask God to speak into their hearts. May there be ears open to listening, and hearts open to conviction and spirits searching for an encounter with the Truth and Freedom that only Jesus can bring.

”Love the Lord your God, walk in His ways, obey His commands, hold firmly to Him, and serve Him with all your heart and all your soul.” Josh 22:5

”The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Sam 16:7
