Opportunities to Share in Cafes

Cafe 2A group of young workers have been regularly going to a cafe which is popular with college age students.  Students go to this cafe to study but also to talk and hang out.  Its been a great place to meet with young North Africans.  Its clear that there is much shaking happening among the youth of North Africa.  There is dissatisfaction with the status quo and a greater freedom to express this.  As with all young people, they are questioning the things their parents have held to, and trying to work out what they want to believe in themselves.  They talk a lot about the hypocrisy they see in Islam in that there is frequently a difference between how one is supposed to live and how people in North Africa actually live.  They are also more and more drawn to Western values (or lack of them), modernization, globalization, materialism and atheism.  How we need to pray for the youth of North Africa!!

The young workers sometimes take their Bibles to the cafe and study them.  Young North Africans come over and see what they are reading and start conversations about spirituality and faith.  There are many opportunities to share and dialogue.

How can we pray?

  • Ask God for his supernatural protection over the youth of North Africa.  That they not fall into materialism and consumerism, but that they would turn their dissatisfaction with Islam, into searching for spiritual truths.
  • Ask for the young people in this cafe to be willing to discuss faith and religion and freedom of choice in a group setting.  Pray that as a whole group of young people, they would go on a journey together, sharing the road of discovery.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to be the revealer of truth in the lives of these young people.  Pray for their salvation.
  • Pray for real, tangible experiences of God’s love and power in the lives of these youth.
  • Pray for protection and covering over the young workers.  May the Lord open more and more doors in conversation with genuine seekers and influential young people.
  • Ask God for influencers and leaders among the youth to come to faith in Jesus who will lead others into His Kingdom.