Elections in Mauritania

For the past week during Ramadan, CRIDEM has been publishing a really interesting series of articles: \”A L\’heure de la Rupture…\” profiling several different Mauritanian \”celebrities\” as well as some ordinary families and their lifestyles, and how they break the Ramadan fast. It gives a really good glimpse into Mauritanian culture and different quartiers of Nouakchott. If you read French, I highly recommend skimming these – but even if you don\’t read French, the pictures are interesting! Here are the links:

Islamists poised to win seats in Mauritanian parliament

PRAYER REQUEST: We\’d like to encourage people to read and pray through Ezekial 37:1-10 (the valley of the dry bones). The Lord strongly impressed this passage on my heart the first day of Ramadan, and has been leading me to pray this Ramadan for the existing believers and fellowship groups here – many of which seem \”dead\” at least by outward appearance. God is giving me faith to pray for revival and new life, even among these dry bones! Here are a few prayer points from this passage:

  1. PRAY that God would stir up greater faith in our hearts, that we would TRUST God that He is sovereign and that He CAN bring the dry bones to life – nothing is impossible with Him. (verse 3)
  2. PRAY that those here who are dry and cut off from the Lord would indeed \”Hear the Word of the Lord\” – that is the first and ESSENTIAL step. Without that they cannot come back to life. (verse 4)
  3. PRAY that neither we nor they would mistake outward structures (meetings… activities) [tendons, flesh] for true Spiritual life that only comes from the breath of God inside of them by His Spirit. (verse 8).
  4. CRY OUT for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, that He would come and fill these dry bones with His breath, that they might live for the Lord\’s glory and proclaim His resurrection! (verse 9-10)

via Pray 4 Mauritania